Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Woke up in the afternoon and started packing my stuffs for meeting in school.
Bought my lunch and went online basically rotting trying to clean up my computer as it seems to be lagging recently.

Went to leen's place to teach her brother maths while she work on her PP. Bus to school for meeting and lucky it's a chop chop one.

Had dinner together with JIVErs at causeway point and had some chit chatting. Went to look for mouse cause my wiresless mouse seems to be eaten up by a cat, no long working. Alright lame I know. :P The mouse I bought is the same as Leen's as I feel that the click click feeling of the mouse is shiok!

Went back to Leen's house after that to continue to help her brother with maths and gave her a little idea on her PP. She is doing a good job so far! Jia you love! ~

The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart and that's your love. Hugss!

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