School had started for 1 week already however, I am already feeling reluctant to attend school. I'm feeling stress for many reasons, too many until I find myself unable to cope with them.
Seriously, I don't understand why does the school have to implement such changes to SOH when I am in my crucial year. Time for breakout 2 or in fact, study period 2 now is shorten to only 1 hour and 45 minutes. Factoring some delay due to class discussion and lunch break, how much time are we really left with in order to produce our work.
Time = money, yes I know, but I feel that learning did not really take place so much for me anymore because all we need to do is to apply theories which now, we don't really need to research and understand them anymore. These theories are giving to us before study period.
Grading based on team's presentation. Is this really necessary? What I feel is that if we do not team with the good ones, chances for us to get an A is really slim. Free loaders will definitely be happy in this case before if the rest do well, their starting grade will be at least a B and the most they will be mark down by only 1 grade.
Evaluation is another thing. Yes, I do understand that facilitators will not be able to see everything happening in class but by making the face that getting A is so tough, will people backstab through evaluation?
The school always say that we need to look at holistic view to grade however, I feel no matter what it is, subjectivity is bound to take place.
Frankly speaking, I really wish to grow up faster, leave school and do things which I want to do. I want to have time to relax, enjoy and be happy of course. I want to throw away all the responsibilities that I am holding. I want to be free, I WANT TO BREAK FREE.
there are dreams i want to fulfil, you all hold the keys to opening the doors for me.
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